Having drawn since I could hold a crayon, I have had hundreds of opportunities to utilize my talents through working with friends, clients, and musicians, as well as creating a body of work for my own personal projects. Growing up inspired by heroes such as John K. (creator of Ren & Stimpy), Tex Avery, Ed Roth, Robert Crumb, and Ralph Bashki to name a few, I have always been glued to doodling on any piece of paper in front of me. My favorite tools are a Bic® pen (the one with 4 colors - black, red, green, & blue) or a regular ol’ mechanical pencil. Whether I’m creating a custom graphic for a rad band t-shirt, a cool show flier, hand-drawn logo type, or creating comics for some underground zines, I always start on paper. And though I love my weirdo cartoons, I am proficient in a large range of styles from traditional to super duper wacky.

Though the digital age has afforded me wonderful tools to make my job go a little faster, I will always start with sketches to solve the puzzle first before going digital. This is my preferred process and I believe saves a lot of time for myself and the client. I typically share sketches and comps to get an approval + proof of concept then go into inking and color digitally. To me nothing beats the tactile feel of drawing on paper. I have participated in gallery shows, been featured in comic circulations, and even created packaging labels for a run of mead for band friends of mine. Playing drums in a band myself has afforded me several chances to do some real killer stuff and often with a lot of freedom. But I also enjoy helping folks realize their own vision as well. So when you get a sec, give my IG a follow — I try to update it as often as possible.